Soils of Nagaland
- Nagaland consists of a narrow strip of hilly country running North-east to South-west and facing the Assam plains to its North and North-west.
- The Barail range enters the state at the South- west corner and runs in a North-easterly direction almost up to Kohima.
- Near Kohima the Barail range merges with the mountain ranges which have extended to Manipur and the main range assumes a much more northerly trend.
- This range is considerably higher than the Barail, with peaks like Saramati (3826.15 m) and Mataung Kien (3420 m) at its extreme east.
- Between Mao and Kohima, there are several very high peaks including Japvo.
- North of Kohima the main range declines in height, and as far north as Mokokchung district, the Japukong range attains an average elevation of 750m.
- In general, 94% area falls under hilly and rugged terrain and only 6% land is plain, especially those bordering Assam plains along western boundary of the state.
- The State has a rolling landscape with low hills covered with very dense vegetation
- The Soils of Nagaland belong to 4 orders, 7 sub-orders, 10 great groups, 14 sub groups and 72 soil families.
- The 4 orders found in Soils of Nagaland are
- Alfisols
- Entisols
- Inceptisols
- Ultisols
- Inceptisols dominate the soils of the State with 66% followed by Ultisols 23.8%, Entisols 7.3% and Alfisols 2.9% of the total 16.6 million Hectares of the State Geographical area.
ALFISOLS of Soils of Nagaland
- Alfisols are base-rich mineral soils of sub-humid and humid region.
- They have light coloured surface horizon over a clay enriched sub –surface horizon that is rich in exchangeable cations with base saturation of more than 35%.
- This type of soil order is found on the western flank of the State bordering Assam.
- They are deep and well drained of fine to fine loamy texture.
- They have a clay-enriched subsoil and relatively high native fertility.
- “Alf” refers to aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe).
- Because of their productivity and abundance, the Alfisols represent one of the more important soil orders for food and fiber productio
- Common families of Alfisols which have been identified in Nagaland are :
- Fine Typic Kanhapludalfs
- Fine Loamy Typic Paleudalfs
ENTISOLS of Soils of Nagaland
- They are recently developed, mineral soils with no diagnostic horizon.
- This is because either of limiting time available for development or because of exceedingly unfavourable conditions.
- In USDA soil taxonomy, entisols are defined as soils that do not show any profile development other than an A horizon.
- An entisol has no diagnostic horizons, and most are basically unaltered from their parent material, which can be unconsolidated sediment or rock.
- This soil order is found in the Western and North Western part of the State on the low hill slope and narrow river valleys.
- They are moderately to deep, well drained, fine to fine loamy textured soils.
- Families which have been identified under this orders are :-
- Fine-loamy typic Udifluvents
- Fine-loamy typic Udorthents
- Coarse-loamy typic Udorthents
- Fine-loamy Lithic Udorthents
- Coarse loamy Lithic Udorthents
INCEPTISOLS of Soils of Nagaland
- This soil order represents beginning stage of soil formation which belong to that of Entisols but still short of the degree of development found in Alfisols.
- They may have some accumulation of clay in the sub-surface horizon, limiting in depth, organic matter content, and base saturation.
- Although not found under aridic climate regimes, Inceptisols nevertheless are widely distributed and occur across a wide range of ecological settings
- This soil dominates the entire State having fine loamy, fine clay, clay loam etc.
- The identified families under this order are:
- Fine- loamy Umbric Dystrochrepts
- Fine loamy typic Dystrochrepts
- Fine Umbric Dystrochrepts
- Loamy , skeletal Umbric Dystrochrepts
- Fine typic Dystrochrepts
- Loamy-skeletal typic Dystrochrepts
- Clayey-skeletal Umbric Dystrochrepts
- Loamy-skeletal Pachic Haplumbrepts
- Fine Pachic Haplumbrepts
- Fine-loamy typic Haplumbrepts
- Clayey-skeletal Pachic Haplumbrepts
- Fine loamy Pachic Haplumbrepts
- Fine-loamy Dystric Eutrochrepts
- Coarse loamy typic Dystrocrepts
- Loamy skeletal typic Dystrocrepts
- Loamy skeletal Dystric Eutrocrepts
ULTISOLS of Soils of Nagaland
- The Ultisols are similar with Alfisols, except for having low base saturation on the exchange complex due to advance stage at weathering.
- These are base-poor mineral soils of humid region developed under high rainfall and forest vegetation.
- The high acidity and relatively low quantities of plant-available Ca, Mg, and K associated with most Ultisols make them poorly suited for continuous agriculture without the use of fertilizer and lime
- They are characterized by low, less than 35% base saturation and clay enriched sub-surface horizon.
- This soil is sparely scattered in all parts of the State having fine loam, clay loam and clayey texture.
- Well to excessively drained with moderate to deep soils. The families under this order which have been identified so far are :
- Fine Humic Hapludults
- Fine Typic Paleudults
- Fine Typic Haplohumults
- Fine Loamy Typic Hapludults